Cafiero De Raho requests dissolution of Cerda Municipality, mayor’s lawyer responds: “He doesn’t know the documents.”

The content discusses the request made by Italian politician Federico Cafiero De Raho to the Minister Piantedosi to appoint a commission to investigate whether there are grounds for dissolving the local council in the town of Cerda, Palermo, due to alleged mafia involvement. The request comes after the mayor of Cerda, Salvatore Geraci, received a notice of conclusion of the investigation against him. Geraci is also a regional deputy and a member of the Sicilian Anti-Mafia Commission. The accusations against Geraci include attempting to force the municipal police commander to arrange a religious procession to pass by the house of a mafia boss. De Raho emphasizes the need to defend the integrity of institutions in Cerda and Sicily. In response, Geraci’s lawyer, Vincenzo Lo Re, states that two different prosecutors’ offices have excluded the existence of mafia-related conduct in Geraci’s case, suggesting that those calling for the dissolution of the Cerda council may not be aware of all the facts.
Cafiero De Raho chiede lo scioglimento del Comune di Cerda, il legale del sindaco replica: «Non conosce le carte»
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