Caccamo: Roberta Siragusa’s femicide, suffered 33 attacks from boyfriend

Extrapolated from the computer technician’s chats, not from the girl’s phone, which was never found, it emerges that the young woman allegedly suffered 33 attacks in a year. Roberta Siragusa discussed this with a friend to whom she also sent photos of the marks on her body. This information comes from the motivations of the judgment of the first section of the Cassation Court, chaired by Giacomo Rocchi, in which last July Roberta’s boyfriend, Pietro Morreale, was sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder of the seventeen-year-old that occurred in Caccamo (Palermo) on the night between January 23 and 24, 2021.
According to the judges, the defendant was aware and willing, “and none of the elements reconcile with the defense’s hypothesis of accidental death.” That night, the young woman was repeatedly struck in the face by the 19-year-old boy who practiced kickboxing.
The Supreme Court confirmed the prosecution’s reconstruction: “After being hit, Roberta Siragusa fell to the ground on the platform inside the sports complex of Caccamo, sprinkled with gasoline, and was deliberately set on fire. The flames spread along a trail of fuel that Monreale had poured out on the ground.”
After the murder, and having disposed of the girl’s body abandoned in a ravine, Morreale sent a message to a friend to play online on the play station. The defendant will have to compensate the civil parties and pay the legal expenses of the civil parties: Roberta’s mother, Iana Brancato, father Filippo Siragusa, brother Dario, grandmother Maria Barone, assisted by lawyers Giovanni Castronovo, Giuseppe Canzone, Sergio Burgio, and Simona La Verde.
Caccamo, il femminicidio di Roberta Siragusa: aveva subito 33 aggressioni dal fidanzato
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