Altavilla massacre: Couple’s lawyer says “It’s a story that needs clarification”

“I have proposed to my client to be heard by the magistrates to give his version of what happened in the villa in Altavilla Milicia. I told him that his partner Sabrina Fina has also agreed to be questioned.” This is what the lawyer Marco Rocca, legal representative of Massimo Carandente, accused together with his partner and the mason Giovanni Barreca of the triple homicide of the wife of the latter Antonella Salamone and their two children Kevin and Emanuel, aged 16 and 5, reported.

“Tomorrow – adds lawyer Rocca – a lawyer that I have appointed to assist me in this case will go to the prison to hear Massimo Carandente. During today’s meeting, my client asked me for news about the conditions of his partner. I reassured him and explained to him the approach I intend to take to defend them in this case, which still has many dark areas. I am waiting to know the results of the investigation and the autopsy exams to start understanding what really happened. At the moment, we only have the accounts of Barreca and his daughter, who have often contradicted themselves. We are waiting for further evidence.”

Strage di Altavilla, il legale della coppia: «È una vicenda tutta da chiarire»

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