Adrano woman beaten and hit with a stone by her husband: condition critical
A woman in Adrano, Catania, has been severely assaulted by her husband, a 43-year-old man who has a history of violence. The attack happened in front of their underage daughter, and the man didn’t hesitate to use a large stone to strike his wife’s head, leaving her unconscious. Emergency medical services and the police arrived at their apartment, and the woman was transported to the hospital with a reserved prognosis. Meanwhile, the husband attempted to flee but was apprehended by the authorities. He has previous convictions for property crimes and a series of frauds. He has been transferred to prison while awaiting the validation of his arrest. Similarly, in Syracuse, another man is being investigated for domestic abuse, aggravated assault, and sexual violence against his wife. She has been subjected to repeated beatings and forced sexual relations against her will. After investigations, the man has been arrested and is currently in Cavadonna prison in Syracuse.
Adrano, donna picchiata e colpita con una pietra dal marito: è in prognosi riservata
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