25-year-old worker dies in a workplace incident at Viagrande equestrian center

Alin Telianu, a 25-year-old Romanian worker, was killed during a work shift in Viagrande. The news of his death on August 22nd only emerged recently after the Carabinieri seized surveillance footage of the incident at the construction site where the tragedy occurred. Telianu is believed to have been crushed by a bulldozer while working at the facility on the border with the Lavinaio area. The accident happened at the beginning of the shift, and the sequence of events was reconstructed from the CCTV footage showing Telianu entering the gate on the bulldozer about 15 minutes before 7 am, followed by a gap until 7:30 am when the cameras captured images of other workers exiting with desperate faces. The emergency services and the Carabinieri subsequently arrived. Telianu had been working in Sicily for seven years, sending part of his earnings back to his family in Romania.

Incidente sul lavoro a Viagrande, operaio di 25 anni morto in un maneggio

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