Water emergency in Sicily, river Sosio-Verdura water goes to waste, farmers protest.

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In a Sicily facing a water crisis, with citizens and farmers suffering from drought, water is being wasted. This is denounced by the farmers of Ribera, who demonstrate with a video how a river, the Sosio-Verdura, flows into the sea instead of being used to help the entire province of Agrigento in such a difficult moment. The disposal of water can be seen from a few kilometers away because the waterfall is clearly visible.

The Gammauta dam, on the Sosio river, between the Sicani Mountains, is managed by Enel, which produces electricity with the water and when the small dam of about half a million cubic meters, to prevent overflow, sends the water through an underground pipeline to the sea, near Poggio Diana. Farmers pay a high price to the reclamation consortium that manages the distribution in the area, but in this situation wasting so much water is considered sacrilegious by them.

The Castello dam plays a fundamental role in supplying water for the irrigation of agricultural lands, including vineyards, olive groves, and livestock farming lands, supporting a population of about 150,000 people in 14 municipalities. This water resource is essential for the production and marketing of excellent products, such as the oranges of Ribera, the peaches of Bivona, and the famous Strawberries, as well as the production of high-quality olive oil derived from local olive groves.

A few weeks ago, the municipal councilors of Ribera had requested the Region, with a long letter, for the necessary infrastructural interventions to facilitate the interconnection of existing water networks and, at the same time, to promote the modernization of essential structures. This would guarantee a regular distribution of water, minimize losses, and promote a sustainable use of available water resources. In addition, according to the councilors, a census and the possible immediate reactivation of existing wells in the municipal territory potentially capable of providing adequate quantities of water for drinking and irrigation purposes would be needed.

Emergenza idrica in Sicilia, l’acqua del fiume Sosio-Verdura finisce in mare: gli agricoltori protestano per lo spreco

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