Mayor of Cerda to be judged for attempting to lead procession past boss’s house

The investigating judge of Termini Imerese Gregorio Balsamo has indicted the mayor of Cerda and regional deputy of the Lega, Salvatore Geraci, and some municipal employees. According to the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Termini Imerese, Geraci allegedly tried to force the chief of the municipal police to write to the police chief to have the Good Friday procession pass in front of a mafia boss’s house.

Attempted extortion and abuse of office are the charges against the mayor, who is also a member of the Antimafia Commission of the Regional Assembly and joined Salvini’s party after leaving Sud chiama Nord by Cateno De Luca.

The investigation focuses on the Via Crucis of Easter 2022. “There is nothing mafia-related here. There is no extortion either. It is a surreal story, a bubble that will evaporate quickly. We have received notice of the conclusion of the investigation and we will clarify each of the accusations point by point,” said the lawyer of the suspect, the criminal lawyer Vincenzo Lo Re, at the time. “At trial, we will demonstrate the historical and cultural reasons, as well as public order reasons, why we were against changing the route of the procession,” added the lawyer.

Avrebbe tentato di far passare la processione davanti alla casa di un boss, a giudizio il sindaco di Cerda

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