Acireale police save child experiencing respiratory crisis

An eighteen-month-old child with serious respiratory problems was saved thanks to the immediate intervention of police officers from the Catania Police Headquarters. It happened in Acireale where moments of particular concern were experienced at the sight of a woman who, in desperation, was moving with her child in her arms between passing cars on via Torquato Tasso. Upon seeing a police patrol car, the woman stopped the officers and asked for help for her child who was having trouble breathing.

The officers from the Acireale police station tried to calm the woman, of North African origin, who was in an apparent state of shock, and immediately took care of the child who was indeed struggling to breathe, despite having clear airways. The officers noticed the passing of an Italian Red Cross vehicle and stopped the vehicle to ask the two volunteers on board to accompany the mother and child to the hospital, arranging for an emergency transport service. The patrol car acted as a relay to allow the Red Cross vehicle to navigate through the heavy traffic at that moment, while the police station’s operations room informed the emergency room doctors of the child’s arrival. At the hospital, the medical staff immediately examined the child, qualifying him as a red code, given the acute respiratory failure.

Once all the necessary care had been provided, the doctors informed the police officers and the mother that the child was no longer in life-threatening condition, emphasizing how the promptness in the rescue operation had been crucial in preventing more serious problems. The following day, the police officers who were the protagonists of the rescue operation, Giuseppe and Fabio, visited the child, eliciting some smiles and giving some police gadgets as gifts.

Acireale, bimbo colto da una crisi respiratoria salvato dalla polizia

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