Mayor’s order bans playing soccer in squares and streets in Eolie.

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The new ordinance by Mayor Riccardo Gullo that prohibits children from playing with the ball on the streets and roads of the Aeolian Islands has sparked controversy. Especially from parents who complain that on the smaller islands “there are no fields for their children to play on”. However, the situation escalated after in recent days on the waterfront of Canneto, precisely because a ball ended up on the road, a scooter rider from Lipari passing by, fell to avoid it and for the trauma suffered was transferred by helicopter to Papardo in Messina.

Those who do not respect the ordinance, in addition to the seizure of the ball, will be fined with penalties ranging from 25 to 500 euros, in addition to any compensation for damages caused.

Mayor Gullo in the ordinance reminded that “at the municipal police headquarters, reports are frequently received from citizens, also assisted by their lawyers, denouncing the widespread practice of using the streets and squares of the Municipality as a place for playing with the ball, causing disturbance to the peace and public decorum. We have had investigations carried out – he explains – by municipal police officers, and what has been complained of is true that the boys, with the ball game, could cause damage to public and private property insisting on the streets and squares affected by the phenomenon, as well as undermining the peace and serenity of the people who frequent and pass by, especially the elderly with disabling pathologies and the inhabitants of the area concerned”. And furthermore “in the streets and squares of the Municipality there are several public establishments, whose patrons are often disturbed by the ball game and the related ball hits”. “The municipal administration – Gullo specifies – however, declines all responsibility for any damage caused, with the ball game, to private individuals and property”.

Eolie, ordinanza del sindaco vieta di giocare al pallone nelle piazze e nelle strade

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