300 farmers take to the streets with tractors in protest from Salemi to Alcamo: “Stop the decline in the sector”

The protest of farmers continues. About three hundred participants gathered in Piazza Cappuccini in Salemi at 8:30, then reached Vita and Calatafimi and, around 1pm, stopped in Contrada Fegotto in the spaces of a well-known agricultural machinery dealership. They then headed towards the city of Alcamo, where they walked along Corso Generale Medici, Piazza Pittore Renda, and Viale Italia.

This is how, with about one hundred and seventy vehicles, mostly tractors and several dozen trucks, and with flags, banners, and banners, throughout the day yesterday, the serpent of vehicles that paraded in a procession from Salemi to Alcamo was realized, to give life to the peaceful protest of farmers and breeders of the Belìce, Jato, and Sosio valleys. “I am a livestock farmer and we organized this beautiful and very well-attended demonstration, deciding to come to Alcamo which was and is a sleeping town,” said one of the parade coordinators, Salvatore Cucchiara from Salemi, explaining his opinion: “In Alcamo many farmers do not move and do not think that agriculture is dying. On Friday, March 22nd, we will go to Palermo to meet with the Sicilian Government. Agriculture is life. Without agriculture, we die.” Some young female agricultural entrepreneurs also participated, one of whom was driving her own tractor.

“The reasons for our protest are clear to everyone,” reiterates Domenico Maiuri, one of the farmers from Santa Ninfa – “for years now, the agricultural sector has been in a deep decline for a number of reasons: high operating costs, underpaid products and wrong choices by consumers who do not choose locally sourced products.”

Trecento agricoltori scendono in strada coi trattori, la protesta da Salemi ad Alcamo: «Fermiamo il declino del settore»

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