25-year-old Catania man arrested for threatening and abusing mother and aunt for money

The Public Prosecutor’s Office of Catania, as part of the investigations against a 25-year-old man from Catania, investigated for the crimes of domestic violence, aggravated personal injuries, and extortion, requested and obtained from the judge of the court of Catania the issuance of a precautionary measure ordering house arrest, carried out by the carabinieri of the Catania Librino station.

The investigations, coordinated by a team of qualified magistrates on crimes related to gender-based violence, shed light on the repeated behaviors, since 2022, towards the mother and maternal aunt. The mother, tired of indulging her son’s continuous, pressing, and violent money requests that he used to buy drugs of which he was a consumer, decided to report him to the carabinieri.

The victim reported that one morning, the suspect had beaten and insulted her heavily with the intent of forcing her to give him the money needed to buy the drugs and, at the same time, stolen her cell phone. In the meantime, he also threatened her: “Give me the money or I’ll kill you”, but backed off due to the mother’s firm refusal and the intervention of the carabinieri alerted by the woman.

Shortly after, the suspect allegedly visited his aunt’s house and, after pulling her several times to obtain the delivery of a sum of money, failed in his purpose only due to the strong resistance offered by the relative. The mother of the 25-year-old then further explained to the carabinieri, during the supplementary filing of the complaint, about another episode. In particular, the young man, after physically assaulting her and pulling her with force, demanded money from her and then tore off the bag she was carrying.

The 25-year-old’s raids occurred more frequently against his mother despite living alone in a house just a few meters away from the victim’s. Finally, the woman became a victim of another serious episode at the hands of her son who, after making a pressing money request to his mother, insulted her and once again threatened her with death (“I’ll kill you, you have to give me the money”). In the meantime, the suspect physically assaulted his mother to the point of forcing her, due to the injuries sustained, to go to the Emergency Room where she received medical treatment. The carabinieri, in the meantime, activated the “red code” protocol and carried out all the necessary investigations and activities.

The immediate investigations, conducted by the carabinieri, allowed to outline the investigative framework, enabling the issuance of the precautionary measure against the suspect who, under house arrest, thus interrupted the continuous abuse.

«Dammi i soldi o ti ammazzo», venticinquenne catanese arrestato per minacce e maltrattamenti alla madre e alla zia

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