The financial police of the provincial command of Ragusa have conducted inspections on six companies operating in the manufacturing and sale of packaging for horticultural use.
In particular, the military officers from the Vittoria company identified 10 irregular workers and 2 workers employed under the table, the latter being members of households receiving the citizenship income: the improper perception has been reported to the National Institute of Social Security (Inps) for the adoption of appropriate measures.
The inspections resulted in the reporting of 3 business owners to the Labour Inspectorate, and the imposition of various administrative fines amounting to over 37,000 euros.
Undeclared work is a plague for the entire economic system as it diverts resources from the treasury, undermines the interests of workers, often exploited, and allows unfair competition with honest companies.
Vittoria, lavoro in nero per incassare il reddito di cittadinanza
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