Explain the following article briefly:
A tragedy occurred last night at the port of Naples during a vehicle boarding phase. An employee from Trapani, Gaspare Davì, 44 years old, married with two children, was killed instantly, crushed by a truck that had just entered the belly of the GNV Antares ship (GNV & Snav). Unfortunately, when rescuers arrived for Davì, there was nothing more they could do. An investigation has been opened to reconstruct the exact dynamics of what happened.
Military personnel from the harbor captaincy, forensic police for investigations, and the magistrate in charge for a thorough inspection all intervened on the scene. This work tragedy caused a delay in the departure of the ship, which was scheduled for 8:00 p.m. It finally left the port of Naples shortly after 4:00 a.m. The worker would have been on leave today, as it was his last trip.
The national secretary of Ugl Mare, Almerico Romano, commented on the incident, highlighting the need to understand if all safety measures are sufficient to prevent further tragedies. Fit Cisl Campania also expressed condolences and sympathy to the sailor’s family, criticizing the lack of continual and structural training in companies and calling for increased controls and stricter sanctions.
The article also includes statements from Filt-Cgil and the Federation of Transport Workers of Cgil, both emphasizing the need for investments in worker safety and the prevention of work-related tragedies. Gnv also expressed condolences and support for the family of the deceased crew member, promising full collaboration with authorities to clarify the incident’s details.
Operaio di Trapani schiacciato e ucciso da un tir al porto di Napoli: era il suo ultimo viaggio prima dell’aspettativa
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