Thieves strike even in the week when the school year ends. In Gela, the Giovanni Verga comprehensive institute was targeted, where vending machines for drinks and snacks were severely damaged. The perpetrators managed to break into the premises of the facility located on Via Salonicco, forcing a window. On the ground floor, the vending machines for snacks were tampered with, but not only that: the criminals also took all the money inside, fleeing with a loot yet to be quantified. The school staff made the bitter discovery upon opening the school after the weekend. When the alarm was raised, the carabinieri arrived on the scene, confirmed the theft, and started investigations to identify the culprits. This is yet another robbery in schools in Sicily, increasingly targeted by thieves and vandals. Just three days ago, the Sciascia scientific high school in Canicattì, Agrigento province, was targeted. Someone managed to force an entry and enter, even at night. The school staff discovered the theft and alerted the police. Local police officers attended the high school and conducted the necessary investigations. The thieves managed to steal computers and other essential computer equipment for daily activities. Investigations are still ongoing, with the camera footage under review.
Ladri in azione all’istituto comprensivo di Gela: nel mirino i distributori di snack, portati via i soldi
Sicilian news
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