Students in a lesson on legality, meeting with the carabinieri in Partinico.

The Carabinieri of the Partinico company, as part of the “Culture of Legality” project, welcomed the students of the Danilo Dolci Higher Education Institute of Partinico to their barracks on Edmondo De Amicis Street.

The meeting was attended by 36 students and their accompanying teachers, who visited the premises of the new barracks, simulated crime scene operations set up for the occasion, and saw and tried the equipment and vehicles in use. However, the part that most attracted their attention was organized by the Carabinieri canine unit of Palermo-Villagrazia, as they were able to see Lego, a dog specialized in detecting drugs, in action. Lego allowed the students to pet him and play with him.

Studenti a lezione di legalità, incontro con i carabinieri a Partinico

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