Sicily sets records with 73 production requests to Film Commission

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The major film and television production companies are still choosing Sicily. They are engaging in a sort of auction to secure the (few) contributions that the Region has put on the table to finance shoots on the island using Sicilian operators and actors.
73 production companies responded to the call for proposals published on March 22: 50 submitted projects to make films and TV series, 21 want to shoot documentaries, and the last two want to make short films.
The Tourism and Entertainment department, led by Elvira Amata, has just published the decree that officially approves the applications admitted to the subsequent evaluation phase. In practice, the real race for funding begins now. A second evaluation by the Film Commission will assign a score to each project and thus divide the 3.5 million budget to allocate the contributions that reduce the cost of sets.
The most important project, at least from an investment standpoint, is the one presented by Bibi Film, the Roman production company that shot, for example, the series on the investigations of Commissioner Lolita Lo Bosco: it has production costs of 17.5 million and requested a contribution of 500,000 euros.
Palomar also requested 500,000 euros for the new season, the fourth, of Makari.
The full article by Giacinto Pipitone in the Giornale di Sicilia today on newsstands.

Set in Sicilia, boom di richieste: 73 produzioni si sono rivolte alla Film Commission

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