The decree with the provisional list of companies admitted to the evaluation for obtaining the contributions of “Doing business in Sicily – Fainsicilia” has been published. This measure of 26 million euros (16 million from Fsc and 10 million from Poc) was developed by the Sicilian Region through the Department of Productive Activities, and is aimed at starting new business activities on the island. About a thousand companies submitted their applications last March on the Irfis-Finsicilia online platform, and the next step will be to instruct and evaluate the requests. There are 26 million euros available, but offices are already working to increase the financial allocation with resources from Fesr 2021/27 and the Cohesion Agreement under the Development and Cohesion Fund 2021/27 recently signed with the national government. The goal is to triple the available budget to finance as many new businesses as possible.
The decree, signed by the general manager of the department, allows ten days to make any observations to be addressed to Irfis (pec: [email protected]), to report inconsistencies in the list production phase or errors in the purely formal completion of the application.
The call for proposals includes non-repayable grants of up to 90 percent for new entrepreneurs, young people, and women who intend to invest in Sicily with new projects or by expanding existing ones. The cost of each intervention can range from 50 to 300 thousand euros and must be implemented within 24 months of funding.
Fare Impresa, la Regione Siciliana pubblica il decreto delle imprese ammesse a valutazione
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