Shortage of workers in Sicily leads businesses to call for immigrants

In Sicily, many people are looking for a job and many companies are looking to hire, but often demand and supply cannot meet: the cause mostly lies in the rush of companies to specialize to compete, while the sector of education and vocational training cannot keep up. To try to align the two worlds, the National Foundation of Labor Consultants, the University of Palermo, Sicindustria, the Regional Consultative Council of Labor Consultants of Sicily, and the Order of Labor Consultants of Palermo are organizing a conference on Monday, March 18, at 9 am, at Palazzo Steri, in Piazza Marina 1, in Palermo, dedicated to orientation on the theme “Promoting employability and accompanying young people in transitions.”

The article also discusses the speakers at the conference and highlights the efforts of the University of Palermo to bridge the gap between education and the labor market by collaborating with over 3,000 Sicilian and Italian companies, offering internships to students, and allocating resources for this purpose.

Furthermore, the article mentions the findings of the annual Excelsior Bulletin by Unioncamere and Anpal, which show the mismatch between the demand for certain professions and the available workforce in Sicily. It also provides detailed information on the types of positions sought by companies, the distribution of job requests across the nine provinces of Sicily, and the sectors with the highest demand for young workers.

The article concludes by discussing the outlook for different educational levels and the need for adaptation to the changing demands of the job market. It highlights the professions most in demand by Sicilian companies and the challenges faced in finding suitable candidates with the required skills and experience.

Lavoro, in Sicilia le imprese non trovano il personale e chiamano gli immigrati

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