Regional contributions, calls for 106 million euros in a single week before the vote

The article talks about how the regional government has allocated 106 million euros in funding for various initiatives, including the baby bonus and support for businesses affected by the 2023 fires. Despite the high amount of funding, it will only cover a small portion of the requests received. For example, only 50 farmers will receive a total of 328,176 euros in aid, as some beneficiaries were not in compliance with pension contributions. The baby bonus will benefit 1,444 families with children born or due to be born by the end of 2024, with a total budget of 1,443,709 euros. The article concludes by mentioning that more details can be found in the Giornale di Sicilia newspaper.

Contributi regionali, bandi per 106 milioni in una sola settimana prima del voto

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