Region can adopt children of femicide victims and survivors: law saves them

The article explains that the Region has saved a law that will allow the hiring of the children of femicide victims and the survivors themselves. President Schifani has signed an agreement with the national government to avoid an imminent legal challenge, with the condition that the original text is modified. The agreement includes legal tricks to circumvent the constitutional issues that Rome had already pointed out in a lengthy note the previous week. The law concerning femicides had generated a lot of debate: presented as an amendment to the Budget by a deputy from a civic list, Ismaele La Vardera, it had been criticized for violating the state’s competence in public administration hirings. The principle was to equate the hiring of the children of femicide victims or survivors with those of relatives of mafia victims (already provided for in the law). However, introducing this principle alone was not enough. Therefore, the solution agreed upon by Schifani involves placing this law within the context of a national maneuver. Rome is also studying a measure to help those who have fallen victim to femicide, as there are many orphaned children who are struggling to cope with daily life. With the new text, Schifani will have the opportunity to hire the survivors or their children at the Region, but only until 2025. At that point, the Sicilian law will be automatically replaced by the national law that is expected to have already been approved.

La Regione potrà assumere i figli delle vittime di femminicidio e le donne sopravvissute: salva la norma

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