The head of the Department of Penitentiary Administration, Giovanni Russo, and the director of prisoners and treatment, Gianfranco De Gesu, visited San Salvatore Hospital in L’Aquila to thank the doctors and leaders of the local health authority for their professional and discreet assistance in caring for Matteo Messina Denaro, the boss of Castelvetrano who died from colon cancer on September 25. As a token of gratitude, Russo presented the health authority with a plaque symbolizing the Department of Penitentiary Administration. The meeting was attended by the director of the mobile operational group, Augusto Zaccariello, as well as the manager of the health authority, Ferdinando Romano, the medical director Alfonso Mascitelli, and the team of doctors and nurses who treated Messina Denaro. Romano expressed appreciation for the sensitivity of the Department of Penitentiary Administration in promoting a qualified model of inter-institutional dialogue.
Dall’amministrazione delle carceri una targa ai medici dell’Aquila per la difficile gestione delle cure a Messina Denaro
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