Palermo-Sampdoria fan appeals for safety after losing finger.

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In this article, Francesca Mistretta, a Palermo supporter who lost part of her pinky finger just before the Palermo-Brescia match, writes an open letter addressing the city of Palermo, Palermo Football Club, the prefect, and all Palermo fans. She expresses her fear of returning to the stadium due to the lack of organization and safety at the entrance gates. Despite her apprehension, she bought a ticket for the upcoming Palermo-Sampdoria match and hopes for improved management to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all fans. She concludes by urging for better organization to prevent future accidents and wishing for a successful and peaceful match day for the city of Palermo.

Palermo-Sampdoria, l’appello della tifosa che ha perso una falange: «Fate entrare tutti in sicurezza»

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