Another forestry worker fell into a ravine in Palermo, this time at Monte Cuccio. The man, a 67-year-old from Torretta, suffered multiple fractures. The Alpine Rescue intervened to rescue him. The accident occurred in a very rugged area, making it difficult to transport him on foot. The 118 emergency services were able to reach the worker quickly, but an ambulance could not reach the site. Instead, the helicopter of the State Police’s Flying Department took off from Boccadifalco with Alpine Rescue and Sicilian speleological technicians. The man was working with colleagues in the Piano Montagna area when he fell from a wall, plummeting several meters down the slope below. He suffered fractures in his left leg and ribs, as well as abrasions on various parts of his body. His colleagues alerted emergency services, who sent a 118 ambulance. The medical team then requested assistance from the Sicilian Alpine Rescue, responsible for medical assistance in rugged environments. The Alpine Rescue, in turn, alerted the Flying Department, with which they have a collaborative relationship. A police helicopter with two Alpine Rescue technicians on board took off from Boccadifalco. Within minutes, the helicopter landed near the accident site, allowing the Alpine Rescue technicians to reach the injured worker, stabilize him, and transport him by foot to the aircraft. The worker was then transferred to Palermo’s Civic Hospital. In recent days, another worker fell into a ravine at Monte Pellegrino and is still in a pharmacological coma.
Palermo, operaio forestale cade in un dirupo a Monte Cuccio: lo tirano fuori gli uomini del Soccorso alpino
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