Palermo: Festival of Migrant Literature kicks off with translation competition

The Festival of Migrant Literature in Palermo is preparing a “spring” of books and reading thanks to the second phase of the project “Flm out loud.” The program will kick off on March 18th with a translation slam in French, a literary translation competition curated by Eva Valvo. The event will take place at the Zisa Cultural Shipyard and the French Institute, with two classes from local schools participating in the translation of a passage by Irène Némirovsky, a French writer of Ukrainian Jewish origin who was a victim of the Holocaust (1903-1942). Two professional translators, Simona Mambrini and Marina Di Leo, will judge the competition.

Following the translation slam, there will be a debate titled “Cette phrase emportée” at the French Institute, with the translators, curator Eva Valvo, and the tutors who have guided the students in discovering Irène Némirovsky’s work. This translation competition is just the first step in a series of events leading up to three important dates for literary enthusiasts: International Book Day, May of Books, and “A Sea of Books.”

In addition to the translation competition, there is also a workshop titled “The word, the emotion, the voice” led by Giuseppe Cutino and Marco Mondino, with guest speakers including writer Mohamed Maalel and actress Stefania Blandeburgo.

Palermo, il Festival delle letterature migranti si apre con una gara di traduzione

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