The forest police officers of the nature anticrime center in Palermo have planted a cutting of the Falcone tree in the historic garden of Palazzo Beccadelli, current headquarters of the State Commissioner for the Sicilian Region. Among the forest varieties already present in the garden, this morning (May 31st) the specimen of Ficus Macrophylla created by duplicating the Falcone tree, the fig tree that grows in via Notarbartolo, in front of what was the home of Judge Giovanni Falcone and Francesca Morvillo, was added. Many students from the school institutes Capuana and Manzoni-Impastato, as well as the State Commissioner, Prefect Ignazio Portelli, and personnel of the Carabinieri, attended the ceremony. The growth of the woods can be monitored through the website, which, thanks to the geolocation of each plant, will provide updates on the national picture of the spread forest and provide information on the carbon dioxide savings that their tree will have led to in the atmosphere in relation to its growth. For the Carabinieri and the other partners of the project, Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, Ministry of Education and Merit, and Falcone Foundation, this is an ambitious project to help combat environmental crimes through prevention: educating about environmental legality involving schools in this strategic objective.
Palermo, la talea dell’albero Falcone piantata nella sede del commissario dello Stato
Sicilian news
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