Palermo Court reinstates 6 candidates in the driver recruitment competition for Rap

The Palermo labor section of the court has recently accepted the appeals of six candidates excluded from the oral exam of the Rap competition for the hiring of 46 drivers, declaring the exclusion for the lack of adoption of criteria for the assignment of votes as illegitimate. It has therefore ordered the admission to the practical test of the applicants condemning the company. The latest of the appeals was accepted in recent days.

Defending the applicants is lawyer Nadia Spallitta, who is preparing further appeals against Rap, related to candidates excluded from the pre-selection test that, according to the lawyer, was conducted in an illegitimate manner for various reasons. One of these reasons is related to the composition of the competition, which has so far been rejected by the Palermo Court on a provisional basis. “I intend to deepen in the judgments on the merits,” declares lawyer Spallitta. “In particular, according to the rules, the commissions of the Rap competitions must be composed of managers and top figures. However, the commission for the competition for 46 drivers is composed of a seventh-level member who has as superiors the eighth level, the executives, and the managers. According to the judges – continues the lawyer – it is sufficient to have a responsibility for a organizational unit to be considered top-level. But it is typical of the duties of the seventh level to have this type of responsibility. Therefore, according to this thesis, seventh-level employees could all be considered top-level. With the further consequence that a seventh-level employee, for whom a degree is not even required, could be part of commissions to select those who will become his superiors. That is, the eighth levels, the executives, and even the managers. I hope – concludes the lawyer – that this defense thesis will be accepted on the merits.”

Palermo, il Tribunale riammette 6 candidati al concorso per autisti alla Rap

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