Palermo bridal shop display covered in trash sparks protest on Via Roma

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It’s hard to dream about a wedding dress when you have a pile of garbage next to you. From the Alex & David store on via Roma, wedding and ceremonial dresses, they can’t stand to see the uncollected trash in front of their atelier, on via Roma, in the square where the streets San Cristoforo and Bologna converge.

The showcase covered in garbage. An out-of-control situation at risk for health and hygiene, where the trash has reached a height and width similar to a landfill. The owner talks about customers who no longer go near the showcases and also announces the possibility of requesting compensation “for the damage – he says – caused by the terrible image of my atelier, even due to the numerous photos taken by tourists.”

In the video the story of Sabrina La Perna, store manager, and Irene Palumbo, resident

Palermo, la vetrina del negozio di abiti da sposa ricoperta di spazzatura: protesta in via Roma

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