Nicosia pair convicted of denying sexual assault in front of judge

The Court of Patti has sentenced a 32-year-old woman and a 36-year-old man from Nicosia to four months in prison, as well as compensation for damages and payment of costs. Both were brought to trial for making false statements to the public prosecutor and defense lawyers. The case is related to the Nicosia city councilor, Francesco La Giglia, who was sentenced to a year and 4 months in prison for raping a woman in April 2015. The two defendants, who chose to be judged under ordinary trial procedure, claimed during investigations that there was no violence and that the relationship was consensual. The same statement was made by another person who opted for a shorter trial but was sentenced to 8 months in prison, confirmed by the Court of Appeals in Messina.

Nicosia, negarono una violenza sessuale davanti al pm: condannati due testi

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