Milazzo awarded the works to consolidate the rocky cliff on the bay

The works for the consolidation of the rocky promontory overlooking the Ngonia del Tono bay in Milazzo, on the Tyrrhenian coast of Messina, have been awarded. The Structure for the contrasto al dissesto idrogeologico, led by the President of the Sicilian Region Renato Schifani, has proceeded to the tender definition. It is an integrated contract that includes both engineering services for design and the execution of the work. The temporary group of professionals coordinated by Strafer engineering will be responsible for the project design, while the stable consortium Itm from Forlì will carry out the works. The total amount of the contract is 4.3 million euros, with a discount of 21.6 percent. The intervention involves securing the rocky promontory surrounding the coast of Ngonia del Tono, including the underlying parts of Via Manica and Via delle Magnolie. The first landslides in this area date back to December 2008.

Milazzo, aggiudicati i lavori di consolidamento del costone roccioso sulla baia

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