The extraordinary maintenance works on the premises of the Neurology and Stroke Unit complex have begun at the Villa Sofia hospital. The project, aimed at providing specialized and tailored care to the specific needs of the Neurology and Stroke Unit, was drawn up by the staff of the Technical Service Unit, which will also oversee the works. The director of the Technical Service Unit, Vincenzo Nicastri, explained that the works will focus on optimizing and modernizing the environment of the Neurology unit to increase quality and safety standards. This includes modernizing and upgrading the bathrooms in the patient areas, creating a new medical room for better management and accessibility to medical instruments and materials, and merging some rooms to create a new Stroke Unit room to improve management of critical neurological cases and response times. The works are expected to be completed by the end of May. Hospital commissioner Roberto Colletti expressed satisfaction with the progress.
Palermo, via ai lavori di manutenzione a Villa Sofia
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