Investigation ongoing as lawyer finds car wheel cut in Agrigento.

In Agrigento, an investigation is underway regarding the damage to a lawyer’s car. The woman had parked her vehicle on Via Mazzini, near the courthouse, and had gone to work. Upon her return, the lawyer found the car’s tire cut, presumably with a large knife. Immediately, she contacted the police. A patrol car from the Agrigento Police Department arrived at the scene. The officers assessed the damage and conducted all necessary investigations, determining that only the lawyer’s car was affected. The woman was also questioned to determine if she had any recent conflicts with someone. The officers also checked for surveillance cameras in the courthouse area, as the footage would be crucial in continuing the investigation and identifying the perpetrator and their motives.

Agrigento, avvocato ritrova la ruota dell’auto tagliata: indagini in corso

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