Informagiovani is hiring personnel in Palermo. The requirements and how to submit your application.

Informagiovani cerca personale a Palermo, i requisiti e come presentare la candidaturaInformagiovani cerca personale a Palermo, i requisiti e come presentare la candidatura

The InformaGiovani association is seeking staff for its office in Palermo. The coordinating body of a European network of youth organizations involved in volunteering and international mobility, non-formal education, and youth information has opened its selection process to strengthen its activities. The work location is Palermo and the availability to travel for short to medium periods (maximum 2 weeks) is required, in order to carry out tasks in projects both nationally and internationally. The gross monthly salary, with a classification as an experienced youth information employee, level D1, will amount to 1,265.60 euros for 13 annual installments.

Required Profiles

The selection aims to identify new staff members who will support the current group of employees and volunteers of both genders in managing the association’s activities. It is open to individuals who have an interest in building a personal and professional long-term path in the field of youth and volunteer organizations and non-formal education. While each staff member will have specific tasks, availability and flexibility within the context of an association engaged in various projects, typical of non-profit organizations, are required.


The requirements are as follows: knowledge of English language at least at B2 level (certification is not necessary); experience in using office applications, particularly Word and Excel or equivalents. Experience in using Power Point or equivalents is also appreciated; basic skills in using social networks; driving license B with availability to drive association vehicles. Previous work or volunteer experience in the field of associations is not mandatory but is positively evaluated. The organization emphasizes the need to be able to work using both Italian and English languages.


The required duties include: maintaining relationships with partners and participants involved in projects; youth information activities using digital tools (creating texts for blogs and newsletters) or non-formal in-person activities (organizing thematic workshops, using non-formal techniques such as games, simulations, etc.) or activities at the office or other designated locations. Additionally, selected individuals will be responsible for logistical support in organizing international mobility and volunteering projects (supporting participants in preparation, purchasing tickets, organizing spaces, assembling and disassembling equipment, etc.). Furthermore, the selected candidates will need to provide support for reporting national and community projects (writing activity reports, collecting and organizing accounting documentation, entering data into forms, verifying travel documents, etc.).

How to Apply

To apply, interested individuals must submit a curriculum vitae (maximum 2 pages) along with a motivation letter in English and/or a presentation video, also in English, to the email address [email protected] by 11:59 PM on September 8th, with the subject “Staff Selection 2023.”

Informagiovani cerca personale a Palermo, i requisiti e come presentare la candidatura

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