Former Zen Lo Verde principal and vice Agosta requested for trial in Palermo

The Sicilian office of the European Prosecutor’s Office has requested the trial of Daniela Lo Verde, former principal of the Falcone school in Zen, Palermo. Before being involved in the legal case, she was known for her anti-mafia battles. She is under investigation for corruption and embezzlement. The trial has also been requested for her deputy, Daniele Agosta, accused of the same crimes.

After the judge’s decision to reject the plea agreement of one year and 10 months presented by the two suspects with the prosecutors’ consent, the magistrates had no choice but to request a trial for both of them. The preliminary hearing is scheduled for June 12th. The two teachers are accused of misappropriating food parcels purchased with European funds and intended for the cafeteria of the Giovanni Falcone institute. Both were intercepted while hoarding the food meant for the students. Lo Verde and Agosta also allegedly made a deal with an employee of a computer store chosen for the supply of PCs and tablets. In exchange, the principal and vice principal were to receive free cell phones for themselves and their families. The plea agreement made by the store employee, Alessandra Conigliaro, was accepted unlike that of the two teachers.

Palermo, chiesto il rinvio a giudizio della ex preside dello Zen Lo Verde e del suo vice Agosta

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