Cefalù lifts residency ban on Gianfranco Miccichè after relinquishing official car

The preliminary investigations judge Rosario Di Gioia has revoked the ban on residence in Cefalù against former president of the Ars Gianfranco Miccichè. The defense lawyer’s request, Grazia Volo, was accepted after the deputy, during the guarantee interrogations, said he wanted to give up the official car. Miccichè is being investigated along with the driver of the Sicilian Regional Assembly, Maurizio Messina, for embezzlement, forgery, and fraud in the use of the service car. The politician allegedly used the official car for non-institutional or representational purposes, from transporting medicines and plants to giving rides to acquaintances and friends. The deputy is also accused of signing the driver’s mission sheets for reimbursements for trips that were never made.

Cefalù, revocato il divieto di dimora a Gianfranco Miccichè dopo la rinuncia all’auto blu

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