Financiers from the provincial command of Catania arrested a man who was transporting approximately 4 kilograms of cocaine in a car. The operation was carried out as part of the intensification of services to counter illicit trafficking along major commercial routes in the city. The man was stopped by military police officers, with the assistance of units from the rapid response company of Catania, and a drug-sniffing dog named Escort. After a search, the cocaine was found hidden in a cleverly designed compartment in the rear bumper of the car. The man was arrested and the drugs and car were seized. If sold on the retail market, the cocaine could have earned illegal profits of over 700,000 euros. The judge at the Catania court validated the arrests and the man was taken to Piazza Lanza prison.
Catania, arrestato con 4 chili di cocaina nell’auto: la targa era… girevole, la droga nascosta in un’intercapedine
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