Brief explanation of the article:
This morning (June 4th), technical investigations were carried out by the Carabinieri Ris in the house of Cianciana, where Daniele Alba, a 35-year-old mechanic, stabbed his wife and two children on May 23rd. In Cianciana, as reported by Giuseppe Pantano in the Giornale di Sicilia this morning, the defense lawyers of the suspect, lawyers Maurizio Gaudio and Luca Burgio, will also arrive at noon. They will specifically look for blood traces to verify, in the different areas of the house, the consistency between the already acquired statements and what will emerge from the investigations.
Cianciana, le coltellate a moglie e figli: arrivano i carabinieri del Ris, si cercano le tracce di sangue
Sicilian news
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