The corpse of a man was found, among the tall grass beyond the guardrail, near the botanical garden in the Bonamorone neighborhood, on via Gramsci (in the photo), in Agrigento. The carabinieri intervened. The body is in an advanced state of decomposition and has not yet been identified.
A citizen who was out for a walk called the carabinieri after smelling a bad odor and upon further investigation among the bushes, discovered the corpse.
Although not certain, investigators and officials believe that the corpse found is that of the sixty-nine-year-old Algerian Balahouane Mohamed, who went missing in early May. The body was found shortly after 12:15 and several carabinieri patrols from the mobile section rushed to the Bonamorone neighborhood. The public prosecutor Gaspare Bentivegna also arrived at the scene.
Agrigento, trovato un cadavere tra le sterpaglie: potrebbe essere di un algerino scomparso
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