Workers at the Benetton store in the Forum shopping center in Palermo are at risk of being laid off. The store has been closed for a month. Benfast, the Benetton brand company, announced on April 2nd its intention to cease operations due to issues related to the renewal of the lease contract with Multi Veste Italy4, the company that owns the large store in Brancaccio. The 5 workers have been placed on leave. The Filcams union has requested a meeting with the company, but Benfast has stated their intention to proceed with layoffs without offering any possibility of reassignment or social safety nets for the workers. Meanwhile, the workers have not received any communication from the company and have not been paid for the month of April. The union is calling for the protection of all workers and has requested a meeting with the Labor Inspectorate to find a solution that guarantees job security. They have also contacted Multi Veste to clarify if the issue is related to the lease renewal, as the loss of jobs is a common occurrence in the retail sector in a region with few job opportunities. The union plans to involve relevant institutions and take action to find alternative solutions to protect jobs.
Chiude il punto vendita Benetton al Forum di Palermo: cinque lavoratori a rischio
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