
Almaviva, richiesta l’attivazione della procedura di esame congiunto per riduzione di personale

Almaviva requests joint examination for staff reduction

Almaviva Contact has today requested the activation of the joint examination procedure for staff reduction.…

Nasconde la droga nel garage ma viene fiutata dal cane, denunciato spacciatore a Catania

Drug hidden in garage sniffed out by dog, dealer reported in Catania

The Flying Squad of the police has reported a 48-year-old offender from Catania for the…

Istituita a Realmonte una borsa di studio intitolata a Piersanti Mattarella

Scholarship named after Piersanti Mattarella established in Realmonte

An event was held at the Realmonte Municipal Library to illustrate the establishment of a…

Palermo, la sfida del Comune ai familiari del boss Algeri: «Rassegnatevi, non comandate voi»

Confiscated mafia house in Palermo now available for two families to live in: others declined due to possible intimidations

After the fourth foster family of the confiscated property in Via Decollati, Palermo, had given…

Stromboli tra detriti e fango, la Proloco lancia una richiesta di aiuto alla Regione

Proloco requests help from Region after Stromboli covered in debris and mud

After the recent rain, Stromboli has been brought to its knees. Today, the damages and…

Silence surrounds Betta’s confirmation as superintendent of Teatro Massimo in Palermo

The issue of Marco Betta's reappointment as superintendent of the Teatro Massimo Foundation in Palermo…

Cat’s meow wakes and saves family during house fire in Solarino; tragically, cat dies.

An article states that a fire broke out last night in a house in the…

Open Day at Policlinico di Palermo for patients with psoriasis and joint pain

The upcoming 13th of November, from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm, at the Rheumatology unit…

Patisserie owner in Catania reported for presence of cockroaches and rat droppings

The Carabinieri Provincial Command of Catania, the Piazza Dante station, and the Nas, have reported…

Women’s voices unite against violence in concert in Palermo

The article talks about the Women Orchestra, a special ensemble of women founded in 2017…