Amg Gas opens new store in Palermo, 5th customer point in city

Amg Gas apre un nuovo negozio a Palermo, il quinto punto clienti in cittàAmg Gas apre un nuovo negozio a Palermo, il quinto punto clienti in città

The company – 80% owned by Edison Energia, a company of the Edison Group active in the sale of electricity and gas to households and businesses, and 20% owned by Amg Energia – will inaugurate tomorrow afternoon, October 25th at 5:30 pm, the new store in via Aurelio Zancla 12/14, in the corso Calatafimi area in Palermo.

It joins the four already present in the city (in piazza Tumminello, via Imperatore Federico, via Catania, and via Sardegna) and the three in the province (Monreale, Montelepre, Partinico). At the inauguration, the CEO of Amg Gas, Giuseppe De Pace, the president Angelo Pizzuto, the marketing and sales manager Francesco Martino, as well as Dario Bonura and Roberto Catalano, managers of the company Eureka Evolution, a partner of Amg Gas that will manage the new customer point in Via Zancla offering the usual expertise, courtesy, and all the answers to solve any problems.

“The relationship with the territory is our strength and the opening of a new store is confirmation of a bond that has always characterized the company and its history – underlines the CEO, Giuseppe De Pace -. Being close to customers and their requests means being physically close, with easily accessible facilities that serve as a point of reference. We are already working to open other branches.”

The new store is open from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 1 pm and from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm. It offers the possibility to carry out all operations related to gas and electricity supplies, from new contracts to transfers, bill payment, and boiler maintenance services.

In the photo from left Alvaro Aiena, Dario Bonura, Vanessa Basile, Roberto Catalano, the CEO of Amg Gas Giuseppe De Pace and Francesco Martino.

Amg Gas apre un nuovo negozio a Palermo, il quinto punto clienti in città

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