Agriculture, training, and safety: agreement between Cia Mazara and Cifa Trapani

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An important result on the road to dialogue, unity, and cooperation among the employers in the agricultural sector of the territory. This represents the recent memorandum of understanding signed between the Mazara sections of Fedagricoltura, a member of Cifa Trapani Confederation, and Cia in order to counteract the high unemployment rate, especially among young people, the loss of human capital, and to enhance skills and innovation in the agricultural sector. The agreement was signed by Gaspare Ingargiola, president of Cifa Trapani, and Maurizio Scavone, president of Cia Mazara. The protocol reaffirms the “indispensable need for businesses and agricultural workers in the area to update their training and information in compliance with regulations on both workplace safety and environmental protection”; hence the collaboration, through this agreement, with the accredited training body Antemar Soc. Coop. chaired by Duilio Pecorella.

“The agricultural sector, which is constantly evolving and increasingly advanced, but heavily burdened by a strong socio-economic crisis, requires – highlight Ingargiola and Scavone – professionals educated in innovation and trained in the use of new technologies, necessary for the management of activities with high levels of efficiency and economic, environmental, and social sustainability.” The collaboration will also involve the activation of a series of training courses organized by Cifa Trapani, in collaboration with Antemar, together with Cia di Mazara del Vallo, aimed at technicians, experts, and workers in the agricultural sector, with a focus on professional training in workplace safety. The following free training courses (in person or online) for sector operators will be activated: Training course for obtaining the phytosanitary license and/or renewing it; R.S.P.P. training course; first aid training course; fire safety training course; Driving license training course for agricultural vehicles.

Agricoltura, formazione e sicurezza: protocollo d’intesa fra Cia Mazara e Cifa Trapani

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