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Salmonella gastroenteritis. This could have been the cause of the group intoxication that affected 150 out of the approximately 170 students of the Majorana Institute of Technology in Milazzo, who were on a trip in Puglia and staying in a hotel in Fasano. The diagnosis came from the analysis carried out by one of the participants who was among the first to feel unwell. The girl was the first to return to Milazzo because her parents went to pick her up in Fasano. All the other students, who returned to Milazzo, will undergo tests for salmonella, but the results will not be available before Tuesday.
After the incident, the Nas conducted investigations and the Local Health Authority carried out checks. The Food Hygiene and Nutrition Service (Sian) and the Veterinary Service for the Hygiene of Animal-Origin Foods (Siav B), which fall under the prevention department, immediately sent samples of chicken meat and roast pork meat to the zooprophylactic institute of Putignano and environmental swabs taken on work surfaces and a sample of tap water from the hotel kitchen to Arpa Puglia.
I 150 studenti di Milazzo intossicati in gita in Puglia, c’è una prima diagnosi: salmonella
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