Young man arrested as drug-sniffing dog finds hashish and marijuana in house in Pace del Mela. (68 characters)

The carabinieri of the Milazzo company arrested a young man from Pace del Mela, already known to law enforcement, for possession with intent to distribute narcotics. After observing the suspect’s suspicious behavior for several days, the carabinieri searched his house with the help of the Nicolosi canine unit. They discovered 64 grams of hashish hidden in an aluminum box in the bedroom wardrobe, as well as 9 grams of marijuana in a bag in a different bedroom’s nightstand. They also found a knife with traces of drugs and a precision scale. The seized materials and narcotics were sent for laboratory analysis, and the man was arrested on the spot for possession with intent to distribute drugs. The Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto prosecutor’s office was informed of the arrest.

Pace del Mela, il cane antidroga trova l’hashish e la marijuana in casa: arrestato un giovane

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