Young financier dies in accident in Calabria: Ispica prepares for final farewell

Hundreds of former schoolmates and friends will be there to say goodbye for the last time to Eugenio Lupo, the 28-year-old finance officer who lost his life in a road accident on Sunday. The body has been returned to the family and has returned to the town of Ispica, where the funeral will be held tomorrow, June 13th. The ceremony will take place at 5 pm in the basilica of the Annunciation.

The news of the young man’s death has deeply affected the entire country. Eugenio was well-liked and appreciated by all for his jovial character and the great sense of responsibility he had shown since he was a child. He was serving in the Naval Squadron of the Guardia di Finanza in Roccella Ionica and often returned to Ispica to reunite with family and friends.

The terrible crash that left him with no chance happened on the SS 106 road on the outskirts of Marina di Gioiosa Jonica, in Locride. The young man was riding a large motorcycle that, for reasons still under investigation, collided head-on with a car. Due to the severe injuries sustained in the collision, the 28-year-old died shortly after the impact, rendering the rescue efforts futile.

Il giovane finanziere morto in un incidente in Calabria: Ispica si prepara all’ultimo saluto

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