Yellow School Palermo and Panormedil launch project to train students with disabilities

The collaboration between the Panormedil construction training school and the Yellow School Palermo, an academy that focuses on the social integration of young people with disabilities, aims to train these individuals to become independent in performing important household tasks. The project involves young people with Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorders and includes a series of meetings with Panormedil technicians, who have provided their expertise and knowledge to teach the participants basic maintenance skills such as fixing a light bulb, electrical outlet, planting a nail, and using a drill. Panormedil expressed their immediate support for the project, emphasizing the importance of providing these young people with the knowledge and tools to be independent in managing small household tasks. They are pleased with the participants’ response and their enthusiasm to learn, which has confirmed the value of the project.

Al via il progetto tra Yellow School Palermo e il Panormedil per formare ragazzi con disabilità

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