Worker who survived the Casteldaccia massacre in stable condition: “Patient still fragile, prognosis reserved”

The patient involved in the work accident in Casteldaccia is continuing his weaning process from controlled ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit of the Policlinico of Palermo, under the direction of Professor Antonino Giarratano. He is currently stable in terms of other vital parameters and neurological function. The doctors consider the worker, Domenico Viola, to be at high fragility and therefore it is not yet possible to make a prognosis on his life, especially regarding respiratory function and infection control.

The director of the Intensive Care Unit and Emergency Department of the University Hospital, Professor Antonino Giarratano, explains that there were four key factors that allowed the patient, who is still very fragile, to still be fighting for a return to independent life without machines and therapies. These factors include the inhaled dose being lower than that of the other workers, the high level of specialization of the first responders, the rapid diagnosis enabled by the hospital’s emergency and radiological diagnostic areas, and the expertise and technology of the Intensive Care Unit.

The Commissioner of the Policlinico, Maria Grazia Furnari, expresses her support and sympathy for the patient, his family, and the hospital staff. She acknowledges the devastating nature of work accidents and extends her gratitude to the medical team for their dedication and professionalism in providing care for the patient.

(Source: ANSA)

Stabili le condizioni dell’operaio sopravvissuto alla strage di Casteldaccia: «Paziente ancora fragile, prognosi riservata»

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