Worker in critical condition after crane accident in Giuliana ravine.

A 50-year-old worker involved in the public lighting maintenance contract in the Municipality of Giuliana fell into a ravine along with the truck with the crane and bucket. Investigations are still ongoing to determine what happened. The worker is safe thanks to the intervention of the 118 health workers who arrived by helicopter. The resuscitation doctor stabilized the worker, who was taken to the emergency room at the Civico di Palermo hospital. The prognosis is reserved. The investigations are being conducted by the Carabinieri of the Corleone company.

“The company had won a contract for the safety work on the public lighting system in our municipality. There were several old poles that needed to be replaced. A job worth 50 thousand euros. The company had been working for several days already. I am sorry for what happened to the worker but I have information that his conditions are not serious and he would not be in danger of life “. This is stated by Francesco Scarpinato, mayor of Giuliana, where a worker ended up in a ravine with the crane. The incident occurred in via Salvatore Quasimodo. At the moment the Carabinieri are in the municipal offices to acquire the contract documents and trace back to the company that was carrying out the works. In addition to the 118 health workers, the firefighters also took part in the rescue operation.

Finisce nel burrone con l’autogru a Giuliana, operaio in prognosi riservata

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