Worker dies in an accident in Chieti, donates organs: his heart will save a person in Palermo.

A 34-year-old man from Chieti, Italy, died in a workplace accident, but his organs will now save other lives. His heart will be transplanted to a patient in Palermo, his liver to Rome, his kidneys to L’Aquila, and his corneas to the eye bank in Abruzzo’s capital. The accident occurred as he was retrieving some tools after performing an electrical operation. A compressed air pipe exploded, causing an iron bar to strike him in the head violently. Despite receiving intensive care in Pescara, his condition rapidly deteriorated. After confirming brain death, the process of organ harvesting began with the consent of his parents. This tragedy demonstrates a profound act of generosity and solidarity.

Morto in un incidente sul lavoro a Chieti, donati gli organi: il suo cuore salverà una persona a Palermo

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