Woman saves Lipari man’s life after scooter accident

Explanation of the article:

The article talks about an accident involving a scooter in Lipari, where a young man from Canneto crashed into a pole, possibly due to a sudden illness. Fortunately, a woman named Martina La Greca, who was following him on a motorbike, performed CPR on him until the ambulance arrived. The medical team confirmed that the young man had regained consciousness and was transferred to the emergency room. They suspect a head injury, and he will be transferred to Messina by helicopter. The traffic on the road was blocked by the municipal police and redirected, with the intervention of firefighters and carabinieri for initial investigations. The article includes a photo from notiziarioeolie.it.

Translation into English:
An accident with a scooter in Lipari for a boy from Canneto along the Bagnamare road. According to reports, the young man likely crashed into a pole due to a sudden illness. The timely intervention of Ms. Martina La Greca, who was following him on a motorbike, and started performing CPR when she saw him on the ground, was providential. The 118 ambulance also promptly intervened, and the doctor confirmed that the boy had regained consciousness and was transferred to the emergency room. A head injury is suspected, and he will be transferred to Messina by helicopter. The traffic on the Bagnamare road was blocked by the municipal police and redirected to Serra from and to Canneto and Acquacalda. The firefighters and carabinieri also intervened for the initial survey. Photo credit: notiziarioeolie.it.

Lipari, si schianta con lo scooter contro un palo: una donna gli pratica un massaggio cardiaco e lo salva

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