Woman dead in Turin prison after refusal of food and water; previously convicted in Catania for illegal immigration.

A 43-year-old woman, Susan John, died in a prison in Turin due to an electrolyte imbalance caused by a lack of water. She had stopped eating and drinking and was found to have a malignant arrhythmia. It is suspected that her death was unexpected and the result of this imbalance. An autopsy will be conducted to determine the exact cause of death. Susan was being held in a cell in a section of the prison reserved for mentally and behaviorally fragile female inmates. There is constant surveillance in this area, monitored by prison staff. It is believed that Susan had stopped consuming food and water around July 22nd, but did not inform anyone of her decision. She repeatedly expressed her desire to see her son and return to Nigeria.

Era stata condannata a Catania per immigrazione clandestina la donna morta in carcere a Torino per il rifiuto di acqua e cibo

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